Introduction to Digital Imaging Systems

Beyond the Magic Picture Box (textbook)

From taking a picture, to viewing it on a display, to printing it out on paper...

Created during my third year at the Rochester Institute of Technology, Beyond the Magic Picture Box is deigned to give you solid basic understanding of the various components of a digital imaging workflow.

Whether you are a photographic professional, amateur photographer, or just someone interested in digital imaging, this book will help demystify what is going on inside your cameras, monitors, and printers. 

Being a visual creative is great, but being a visual creative who understands, at a technical level, what their gear is doing and how to control it can really help to push your work (and confidence, for that matter) even further.

I hope you or someone you know finds this book helpful!  I put a lot of time into developing the content, as well as the design elements (after enduring years of white backgrounds with black text in grade school textbooks).
...but please excuse the occasional spelling and grammar mistake.  It was published during finals week, after all.

Breaking down the steps to manually sharpen an image through the creation of a High Frequency Amplifying Filter.Taken from the 'Sharpening' subsection of the 'Processing' chapter

Breaking down the steps to manually sharpen an image through the creation of a High Frequency Amplifying Filter.
Taken from the 'Sharpening' subsection of the 'Processing' chapter